How to improve dog immunity

Time:2018-07-10Click: 3238 times


When we humans were young, we would get vaccinated to improve our immunity against certain diseases. Pet dogs also need to improve their immunity, otherwise any small virus can affect their physical health. Below is how to improve their immunity.

Experts suggest that in order to enhance the immune system of dogs, professional dog food should be given. The ingredients in dog food are very important for maintaining and enhancing the immune system of pets, enhancing their immunity. For example, vitamin E is not only an important nutrient for pets, but also a very effective natural antioxidant that can protect the cell membrane of the body from oxidative free radicals, maintain the integrity of immune cells, and thus improve the natural immunity of pets. Large brands of pet food on the market also add various trace elements, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, iodine, etc., which are essential for improving immunity. Lack of calcium and phosphorus can cause rickets and osteomalacia, and selenium deficiency may affect the bones and myocardium of dogs, which will gradually damage the immune function of pets and affect their health.

Dogs also need to be vaccinated when they are young to improve their resistance to viruses, and rabies vaccines are also used to prevent dogs from contracting rabies. In addition, it is important to regularly exercise with your dog to give it a strong body, which naturally enhances its immune system.


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