How to choose the appropriate leash for your dog

Time:2018-07-10Click: 3733 times

What to do if a dog is very thin? If a dog is too fat, we are worried that it may exceed the weight limit. We often take the dog for a walk and exercise to control its weight. However, if the dog is too thin, it can also cause the owner to worry about malnutrition and poor care. What should I do if my dog is too thin? Firstly, we should identify the causes of thinness and weakness, and then prescribe targeted medicine to keep our dogs healthy and healthy.


The reasons why dogs are thin and weak:

1. Insufficient food: Due to various or certain diseases, such as loss of appetite or persistent nausea, or inflammation in the mouth, dogs are unable to fully consume nutritious food, resulting in excessive weight loss.

2. Digestive or absorptive disorders: Diseases of the gastrointestinal, liver, pancreas, etc., leading to diarrhea or constipation; Abnormal digestive enzymes that break down food and inability to absorb nutrients are the reasons why dogs are too thin.

3. Obstacles to nutrient utilization: Even if nutrients can be fully absorbed, when liver function is reduced, nutrients cannot be assimilated, which can cause dogs to become too thin.

4. Hypermetabolism: When a virus infection or chronic disease causes intense physical exertion, or during pregnancy or childbirth, when many puppies need to be nurtured, the metabolism in the body is more hyperactive than usual, consuming more calories than usual. If not given sufficient nutrition, it can also become a cause of excessive weight loss in dogs.

How to keep a thin dog fat?

Good appetite but always unable to gain weight: this condition needs to be determined whether there are parasites or indigestion. You can take it to the veterinarian for examination. If there are parasites, please ask a doctor to prescribe medication to drive them away. If you have indigestion, you can ask a doctor for treatment. Enhancing gut beneficial bacteria and supplementing nutrition is one of the solutions.

Insufficient feed or nutrition: Dogs may not gain weight due to insufficient food. To help these types of dogs gain weight, high calorie feed can be given, such as a combination of nutrient rich puppy feed, combined with nutritional supplements, to help them gain weight. If the dog at home is a high activity dog, it can also be fed more depending on the amount of exercise.

Growing or high activity dogs can increase their feed intake to help gain weight.

Exercise helps dogs gain weight: Adequate exercise can help enhance appetite and make the body healthier. If the dog at home is too thin and doesn't like to eat, you can also take it out for outings, walks, or sunbathing. After returning home, your appetite usually increases. Although exercise consumes more calories, eating more is also beneficial for gaining weight.

After ligation, dogs gain weight: If the dog does not have a fertility plan, ligation can also be used to help the dog gain weight. The offspring of pet ligation have lower body weight loss, which can help dogs gain weight.


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