How to cultivate a good personality in dogs?

Time:2018-07-10Click: 3605 times

Dogs with good personalities are likable because they are approachable and easier to get along with humans.

1、 Communication
When playing with a dog, you can talk to it. Although it may not understand, make it realize that humans are not scary animals. Over time, it will have a strong sense of trust in its owner. I am no longer so afraid of humans.


2、 Touch
When grooming a beloved dog, not only do you need to stroke its head and back, but you also need to touch sensitive areas such as ears and fingertips to gradually adapt to being caressed. This way, brushing its teeth and cleaning its ears will also save a lot of effort.

Caressing a beloved dog can cultivate its sense of obedience to its owner. From a young age, my beloved dog has been regularly groomed throughout its body, gradually realizing that grooming is also a form of enjoyment.

3、 Interacting with other animals
If the dog is only allowed to interact with family at home, it will feel nervous and scared when it changes its environment. So in order to cultivate its outgoing social skills, it is necessary to have more contact with humans and other animals from a young age, in order to accumulate a lot of social experience.

When it comes into contact with other dogs, in order to prevent it from developing feelings of fear, it is advisable to first expose it to dogs with mild personalities, and then slowly engage with other dogs.


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